Saturday August 8th @ The Underbelly in Hoxton sees the return of Club Wino and the introduction of your ever so slightly tinkered with hosts, Neil Gowans & The Winos
New recruit Sammy is stepping into those Jonnie shaped shoes and parking himself on the drum stool to provide the rockin’ backbeat to that countrified rock ‘n’ roll y’all know so well.
The Homing round the evening off with their terrific blend of folk, rock and blues
Parkside will be being youthful all over the place and providing us with some rather marvellous spikey alternative rock and a combined age that might just about add up to one Wino.
Kicking the whole thing off are Jimmy Regal & The Royals with some stripped down, harp puffin’, down and dirty blues.
So come along and listen to all the aforementioned grooviness, you know you want to and you know what? I think it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Stay tuned for more rock ‘n’ roll,
Neil Gowans & The Winos